The Bauze radio show is another medium used by Africa Directions to reach out to a broader base of young people who may not be able to access its centers. Bauze, meaning “tell them” in chinyanja, is an exciting youth chat show aired every Sunday on radio 4 (88.1 fm) from 15:00 to 15:55 hrs. It provides youth with sexual reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and anti-retroviral therapy information. Health providers & other experts are invited to chat with a diverse youth panel to discuss issues such as abstinence & delaying sex, family planning & condom usage, teenage pregnancies, multiple concurrent partnerships, male circumcision, life-skills and entrepreneurship.
Young people have the option to phone or write in to the hosts to ask questions and seek advice. In addition to information, the hosts play popular music, talk about the latest fashion trends & and invite special guests and celebrities to liven up the programme.