AD operates with an “education through entertainment” philosophy. Youth come to the center for its many entertainment facilities and activities. There are pool tables and board games, a gym for athletes to train, and a video room where kids can watch cartoons and educational videos. A resource centre with materials for studying and researching is available. There is even a music room where aspiring artists come to play instruments, practise, and record new songs.
Additionally, an information desk is always on display where the youth can access IEC (information, education and communication) materials and talk with their fellow youth. Africa Directions has peer educators on staff that are responsible for supervising the various “stations” (i.e., pool room, resource centre, video room, information table) the kids access. Here they interact with the youth and give information in the form of “10-minute talks.” Given kid’s short attention span and aversion to lecturing, AD has found peer educators are the key to success as there is a given trust and respect.
We offer the following programmes and services for local youth:
Peer Education
Sports Programmes
Girls' Group
Young Learners
Reproductive Health Services
Voluntary Counselling and Testing
Drama Group
Child Support Program |