Since 2009, Africa Directions has been partnering with Marie Stopes International Zambia (MSIZ) to help the community in Mtendere to access family planning services and provide reproductive health information. MSIZ is a non-governmental organisation that provides family planning, male circumcision, pregnancy tests, pregnancy crisis, counseling & STI screening services. AD’s role is to facilitate outreaches to community members on family planning services and make referrals to the clinic which is located at AD. Peer educators go out into high density areas, such as market places, to mobilize young women and men. There is a trained nurse counsellor who advices men and women on their family planning options and provides those services on a free or low cost basis. Once a month, AD invites the local clinic to come and conduct their under 5 clinic within the centre. During this time, there are also lawyers from International Justice Mission to offer free legal advice.